ALI Cohorts 10 & 11

  • $205,406


  • $240,000


About this Cause

The Abundant Leadership Institute’s tenth and eleventh cohorts are comprised of inspiring leaders serving their communities in Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Cameroon and South Sudan. This page shares their profiles and provides you with an opportunity to support their leadership journeys by donating toward their scholarship needs. $4000 CAD is the total cost of the Abundant Leadership Institute for each leader. Each leader commits at least some money towards the cost of the program. In some cases, their organizations also contribute. The average scholarship need for each leader is $3000 CAD. Your partnership as part of the September Scholarship Surge helps Kurumbuka cover the remaining cost so these heroes can successfully complete the program and impact their communities. If you are in the USA, give at to receive a tax-deductible receipt. All donations given by October 15th, will be matched up to $80,000 CAD so that you can double your impact! Thank you for investing in local Christian leaders!

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